Video Marketing Trends to Watch

Video Marketing Trends to Watch

As you consider what digital marketing strategies you’ll focus on this year, you won’t want to ignore video. This form of content has become so popular that many consumers now prefer it over any other medium. In fact, YouTube has become the world’s second-largest search engine as people look for video content to answer their questions and fulfill their needs. 

Video content has completely revolutionized the online landscape. From the long-form videos that we’re accustomed to viewing on YouTube to the “shorts” you can view on TikTok or Facebook, this content can help your business in several ways. Here is what video marketing can do for your business and some top video marketing trends to watch now. 

The Effectiveness of Video Marketing

Video marketing is much more than just a passing fad. The popularity of video content is here to stay and something that will only continue to become more prolific. Over 40% of U.S. consumers claim to consume video content daily, with social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram recognizing that it is engaging and preferred among users. 

While written content is still essential for SEO purposes and helpful in making connections with certain audience segments, video content can achieve many important things for your business:

  • Increases brand awareness
  • Drives traffic
  • Educates users
  • Boosts leads and sales

 Another reason to make video marketing a priority is that it offers a consistently high return on investment (ROI), which is excellent news for your bottom line. 

Top Video Marketing Trends to Watch

Staying on top of video marketing trends gives you valuable insights into consumer behavior and ways you can use these strategies to get ahead of the competition. Here are some of the top video marketing trends happening right now. 

1. AI is a Big Deal

Now that everyone is talking about ChatGPT and the creative potential of artificial intelligence (AI), it’s only a matter of time before this technology translates to digital marketing. The generative AI market is expected to be worth $98 billion by 2026. Google has released Imagen Video and Facebook has announced Make-a-Video

2. Augmented Reality is Growing

In addition to AI, many brands are experimenting with augmented reality (AR) in their video content. This is a more immersive experience where there might be layers of information, games, or animations added to your videos. This can turn viewers into active participants, making them more likely to act on your calls-to-action (CTAs). 

3. Authenticity Pays Off

It no longer pays to put forth a “fake” or manufactured persona when leveraging video marketing strategies. When you consider how you want your brand to be viewed by the public, put authenticity at the top of the list. In other words, don’t be afraid to show your human side and be relatable in your video content. 

4. Ditching the Sales Pitch

Consumers increasingly dislike sales pitches in any type of content, including video. What is more effective is authenticity. How can you achieve this? One way is to tell stories. Instead of focusing on selling, you can captivate your audience with short and engaging stories that incorporate your brand or products.

5. Cross-Platform Strategies

You can certainly focus on a single social media platform for your video content. But doing so will likely leave a lot of engagement on the table. In other words, some of your target audience may prefer YouTube, and others may prefer Facebook. 

It’s a good idea to understand the differences between these platforms and how you can engage people on them. Notably, the two most prominent social media platforms in 2024 will likely be TikTok and Instagram. As you post on one, however, you should also be scheduling posts on others to reach a broader audience.

6. Posting Schedule Optimization

Speaking of posting, another trend in video marketing is creating a strong content posting strategy. When you post your video content can make a significant difference in your results. 

Your target audience might be more active on certain days of the week or times of the day. When you identify these prime times, you can increase your engagement and achieve better overall results. 

7. Using Shoppable Videos

Video is now making the shopping experience more personalized and enjoyable for consumers. Brands are using video content to demonstrate products, play unique ad spots, and showcase customer reviews. By using interactive video, customers can click on elements within the content to make online purchases. 

8. Live Video Remains Popular

Consumers not only have an appetite for video but also “live” video. One study estimates that the live-streaming market will reach $247 billion by 2027. Many consumers view live content as more authentic. Just because it’s “live” doesn’t mean it’s lost once the broadcast ends. That content can be recorded and repurposed for additional gains later. 

9. User-Generated Content 

When it comes to elevating your brand, there’s no substitute for getting endorsements from current or past customers. User-generated content is any content created by someone affiliated with your business. This video content can be reviews or demo videos that feature or mention your business, which can increase brand recognition and drive traffic. 

10. Short-Form and Snackable Content

From YouTube Short to Instagram Reels to TikTok, short-form video content has become the norm on social media platforms because it satisfies people’s desire for “snackable” content. If you have longer pieces, you can keep those as-is and break them up into additional short-form videos.

Too Darn Loud Marketing Can Help With Your Video Marketing Strategy

These video marketing trends illustrate the value of using this strategy to elevate your business in the eyes of your target audience. If you’d like help getting your video marketing strategy moving in the right direction, let’s chat. At Too Darn Loud Marketing, one of our specialties is helping our clients get found and chosen using video marketing. 

We will sit down with you to learn about your business and its goals before developing a digital marketing strategy customized for your business. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and website evaluation. 

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