SEO Writing — 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional

If you’ve ever written content for your website before, you know how time-consuming it can be. From choosing your topic to researching the material to actually doing the writing, the process can be challenging. And when your material doesn’t attract the attention you want, it can be downright discouraging. 

There’s a lot of opportunity for businesses through online marketing. But it’s also highly competitive. The only way to rise above your competition is to incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) into your writing so it ranks highly on Google. Here’s what you need to know about SEO writing and several reasons why you should hire a professional to do it. 

What is SEO Writing?

SEO writing refers to the production of content with the goal of ranking on the first page of a search engine like Google. It involves researching high-value keywords, writing quality content that speaks to a typical user’s intent, and optimizing a page so the search engines can figure out what you’re saying. 

With traditional copywriting, the writer is focused on other goals. These might be to explain something or promote your brand. SEO writing can do these things as well, but it will also focus on producing top search engine rankings. 

Benefits of Writing for SEO

You’ll likely hear the term “SEO” get tossed around a lot in digital marketing. While SEO is meant to help you rank higher in search engines, what we’re really talking about is Google. Because it’s the world’s largest search engine, it’s what most people use. 

When people search for a topic on Google, they’re more likely to click on the first or second results. Few people go beyond the first page. If you haven’t implemented a content strategy to get your business to the top of the search results, you might wonder how SEO writing can help. Here are some of the main benefits high-quality SEO writing can provide your business.

1. Better Google Rankings

Your business’s Google rankings can significantly impact its overall results. When people are searching for your services, you want them to be able to find you, right? If your business doesn’t rank high enough on Google, it can substantially limit your reach. 

SEO writing can help you improve your rankings and boost your overall visibility. But it’s not as simple as it sounds. Google uses over 200 ranking factors for its search results. This means your writing will need to factor in several things, like:

  • Keyword selection and placement
  • Correct use of title tags and meta description
  • Inclusion of H2 and H3 headings
  • Use of personal or royalty-free images
  • Citing credible sources and including internal and external backlinks

You can achieve better Google rankings with your writing, provided you can address certain elements and fulfill the reader’s needs at the same time. 

2. Builds Brand Awareness and Authority

While you believe strongly in your business, you need others to do so as well to achieve positive results. Content writing for SEO allows your business to build brand awareness and authority. The more content you produce that engages readers and helps them with pressing issues, the more you’ll be seen as someone who knows their business. 

Nothing could help your business more than being seen as an authority in your field. SEO writing can position your brand as an industry leader. When people need your services, they’ll have more confidence doing business with you due to your online marketing efforts. 

3. Engages Your Audience

When you publish high-quality content consistently that answers your reader’s most pressing questions, they’re more likely to return again and again for more. As you provide value to these visitors, you’ll make lasting connections that prove beneficial to your business. 

But this isn’t a simple matter to accomplish. Many people click on websites thinking they’ll find helpful information and are instantly disappointed. If your message isn’t compelling, a visitor is likely going to hit the “Back” button and head over to a competitor’s website. Unfortunately, this isn’t helpful for your online rankings. 

4. Boosts Your Conversion Rates

SEO writing isn’t quite the same as copywriting, but it’s a tool that can be used effectively alongside copywriting to boost your conversion rates. For your business to achieve success, you need to be able to reach people online. After all, that’s where many are researching solutions to their problems or investigating certain brands. 

SEO writing not only draws people to your website but also converts them to customers. When visitors to your blog or other online properties experience the quality of your content, they’ll be impressed enough to take the next step, which often involves making a phone call, visiting your location, or hitting the “buy now” button. 

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional 

If SEO writing has so many benefits, why shouldn’t you do it yourself? Some brands do and experience some success. But it’s not for everyone. Whenever someone hires a professional to do something, it’s usually for several reasons — the most important being to save time and gain the benefits of their expertise. 

Hiring a professional to handle your digital marketing and SEO writing isn’t much different. You need your website to represent your business perfectly. At the same time, you have a business to run and customers to serve. The idea that you might save some cash with a DIY approach usually doesn’t work out. 

What typically happens is you might write a few blogs at first, but after a while, the demands of running your business get in the way and you stop writing. You are likely to get far better results by partnering with an experienced writer not only because a seasoned SEO writer has advanced skills and knowledge in this field, but also because they will produce consistent content that is more likely to yield far better results.

Still not convinced? Here are five reasons why you should hire a professional for your SEO writing: 

1. Extensive Research

Effective SEO writing requires extensive research. From figuring out which keywords to target to gathering the data to write the content, it takes some time and skill to do this proficiently. A professional writer’s job includes writing content that holds up to scrutiny by both humans and search engines. The content must be readable, informative, engaging, and fact-based. 

2. Time Savings

If you run a business, you probably have a lot on your plate. From responding to emails and answering the phone to helping customers and paying bills, there are plenty of things to do each day. Your time is valuable, which is why it makes sense to hire a content writer and not take on another task yourself. 

If you think about it, having a professional handle this task is like trusting your accountant or IT person. You get to focus on what you know best while you trust certain other tasks to a specialist who will get them done efficiently. 

3. Targets Your Audience

Another thing professional writers do is understand the buyer’s journey and connect with them through their writing. For example, certain SEO content pieces will target readers who are investigating different solutions to a problem, and others will focus on helping them make a decision on which brand to trust with their business. There is a subtle difference, but it’s an important distinction. 

An SEO content writer will learn about your business and industry so they can provide valuable and consistent information to readers. In short, hiring an expert will increase the chances of your content getting seen and shared by more of your target audience. 

4. High-Quality Content

Not everyone’s a writer. And that’s OK. You run a successful business because you’re great at what you do. Writers get paid to write because they have years of experience doing just that. Even if you have the gift of gab, it may not translate to the written word. Being able to produce content that will have the right SEO elements and relate to your target audience isn’t easy. That’s why professional writers are in high demand. 

And your visitors will know the difference between high-quality content and something not quite up to snuff. Innocent mistakes can drive valuable business away and lose sales. Whether it’s a missing word here or there or typing “their” when you meant “there,” these types of errors can have an impact on your brand’s reputation. 

5. Google-Friendly Results

In addition to pleasing your human audience, SEO writing must also make Google happy. And the search engine giant is known for being a fickle critic. Experts estimate that Google updates its algorithm as much as 600 times per year! While most of those changes are minor and don’t impact rankings, major changes can significantly affect organic search results. 

A professional writer will stay on top of Google’s major algorithm changes, so you don’t have to. For example, they can help you meet Google’s page quality guidelines with respect to “EAT,” which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. 

Contact Too Darn Loud Marketing to Elevate Your SEO and Content Marketing Strategies

You can certainly write some of your own content, but there are many benefits to having a professional handle your SEO and content marketing. Find out how we can help. Too Darn Loud Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency that helps businesses throughout the United States achieve their goals through various digital marketing strategies, including producing quality content. 

When you work with us, you’ll never get a cookie-cutter solution. We take the time to learn about your business and industry so we can customize a strategy designed to produce the best possible results. Give us a call today at (800) 649-1764 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and website evaluation. 

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